The EnergizedBody New Business Venture

Bruce Springsteen and My Spiritual Team are Talking- Here’s What They’re Saying Hello Friends Its been a while, and boy is it nice to be back! This post is a little long but bear with me, I promise this is not a trend! You may be wondering why Bruce and my...

Healthiest Tastiest Breads!

My food mantra: “If there is something I eat on a daily basis, I want it to be nourishing to my body.” For many people, that daily something is bread. It is a part of every meal: toast for breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and rolls or garlic bread (yum!) on the dinner...

Ditch the Gatorade!

You see Gatorade everywhere: in gym vending machines, on the soccer and football fields, and everywhere people are getting fit. We have been led to believe that it is good for us, but the reality is that it is filled with chemically-processed refined sugars (¼ cup in...